Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Spring....Cleaning!

So I have a pretty exciting weekend planned....there will be some time with friends tomorrow night and family on Sunday for the Easter holiday. But what I am most excited about is SPRING CLEANING! Cleaning is my version of therapy. Many/most of my girlfriends have cleaning ladies and that is great. But I can absolutely get lost in cleaning and organizing my home. And then there is the rush when it's done and you can just sit back and look at how amazing the house looks!

And since most of my immediate family is coming over prior to Easter and will want a tour of my new Crafting Closet my amazing husband built, I have to have the house white glove ready.

So if my hubby reads this prior to me getting home tonight....consider yourself warned...I am going to be a lean mean cleaning machine this weekend! Watch out!

1 comment:

  1. Trust me... when Bird gets in one of her cleaning fixes, there is NO REST for anyone.

    She's like a tasmanian devil plowing through stacks of papers (usually mine), dust bunnies, dusting furniture, dusting ceiling fan blades, dusting the wine bar, dusting the china, dusting the plants and flowers, speaking of flowers... she loves to make flower arrangements.

    Oh yeah, back to the list... polishing the hardwood floors, polishing the furniture, polishing utensils, and assorted items that require polishing.

    Vacuuming every room in the house (at least 2x), mopping the kitchen, straightening, rearranging, re-designing, cleaning windows - both inside and out.

    Knowing that I don't have the passion for cleaning like she does, she will usually task me with "little jobs." This year, my responsibility included the Texas Room and The Study. She took the rest of the house. Per my estimation, that was fair!!

    I'm so thankful that she loves to clean b/c if it was left up to me, we'd have a sloppy house. However, we have a beautiful house that is always ready to entertain!!

    Thank you, Sweetheart!
