Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today I made it through my whole HIIT Cardio Class. This has NEVER happened before and I am so happy. I honestly hate this class more than ANYTHING! HIIT is: High Intensity Interval Training. The class is not fun in the least...but I did the whole thing today. Take that BITCHES!

Monday, September 27, 2010


My goals are still being met....which is amazing considering the time of the month it is for me. I am not going to go into gory details, let's just say I usually want some chocolate right about now. But I have been so good! And am so happy about it all!

I worked out both days this weekend...yeah!

I had one bad dinner out this weekend of Mexican....yeah!

I ate at home whenever possible this weekend...yeah!

Today is the first day that I have noticed that my clothes fit a little differently...they fit better...Yeah!

I have discovered that I really hate Grape Nuts cereal...and there is no real way to dress that crap up! Yeah!

Back to my weekly routine...but so happy my weekend didn't wreck it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Whew...that was a close one.

I made it through Thursday and I still worked out and did not go to Nordstrom for fries. Today will be another challenge, but am somoehow feeling a bit more optimistic. Perhaps because it is Friday!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have hit a wall...I don't want to workout and I just want to go to Nordstrom for their French Fries....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday Recap

I stuck to the plan yesterday and did both a Zumba class and a kickboxing on top of not sleeping well the night before you would have thought I would have slept like a rock...Nope...up at 2AM doing stretches, awake like I had slept for hours...I was able to fall back asleep, but I am just amazed that I wasn't drop dead exhausted yesterday afternoon and evening. What gives?

I think I need Jackie Warner of Thinintervention to come and push me till I drop because perhaps I am just not pushing myself... But if she does come I would really like her personal chef to come as well as the gay guy from the show...he's hilarious and I think we would get along remarkably well....

Jackie can you hear me!?!?!??

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked

As I have mentioned, yesterday was my first official day of my cleanse, including drinking an elixir last night that was a "blend to help remove toxins, nourish your body and help you feel your best. Each cleansing shot provides 5 grams of natural fiber...." So I was already for the cleanse drink to cramp me up, but no...nothing happened...except for the fact that I didn't sleep all night waiting for the cleanse to slightly ridiculous is that? Finally at 12:30ish, I took the dogs outside to stretch out and hopefully relax myself.

On top of the cleanse I am slightly obsessed with the national problem of bed bugs. (Just ask my husband) So yesterday I did a full examination of our bed, bedding, etc. I vacuumed our mattress and threw stuff away that I thought had reached it's prime. So I ask you, why then, while trying to fall asleep last night did I feel like bugs were crawling all over me.

Perhaps all this cleansing is making me clinically crazy...just a thought....

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of Sorts

Even though today is Monday, it is my first day of sorts with my cleanse. I did eat anything I wanted on Saturday including Chipolte, yum! Sunday the hubby and I ate only really good detoxing stuff....then today...starts my shakes and crap from GNC.

Over the past several days I have done LOTS of research on cleansing which can range from the lemonade drink to how to remove drugs from your system. I ended up landing on a routine from GNC because it Incorporated both drinks and some food, which I thought was probably the least dramatic and most do-able. And if I am being completely also allows caffeine...which in my case is a D Coke....And if I am giving up sour patch kids, etc....I am going to need something.

So here goes nothing!!!!!

2PM Update: I could only stomach one shake today...but even with that, I am still not hungry. As Edward Cullen put it (yes, I am fully aware that this is a very sad reference for someone of my age) it's mind over matter!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cleaning the Pipes

Thinking of doing a weekend cleanse on Saturday and Sunday. Am excited and nervous about this. Most nervous about giving up pop....most excited that I might feel better! Now I am evaluating which cleanse I want to do....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't All Boys Watch Football

I have some weekend updates.
  • I didn't cook on Friday night, but instead we went to a cookout at my cousins. While this isn't as good for me as cooking and eating in, if you know me, you know I don't partake in picnic type food, so I ate very little....score!
  • I had planned an amazing workout on Saturday during the Ohio State VS. Florida (I cannot remember the exact school that was played) game. I missed my normal morning class and was going to try to re-create it. I thought going during half time would be an amazing time because don't all boys watch football? It seems not....some meatheads go to the gym at same time and want to use my same equipment and I just didn't have the balls to get in the middle of it all. So my workout kind of sucked on Saturday, but made up for it a bit with Sunday's work out.
  • I did have Chik a Filet on Saturday for lunch....and it was worth every minute of was delish!

But here we are at another week...And I have a new class this week on Tuesday, High Intensity Interval Training class...and yes, you should start praying for me right now....I'm nervous. I am praying that I do not puke or loose consciousness....only time will tell.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekend Wreckage

So I have admitted to the CaboRexia plan, but I have to admit to something else. Sometimes on Friday I loose control. I want to have Tim Horton's in the morning, out to lunch at lunch, and then the hubby and I usually go out to dinner and not organic salad dinner, more like pizza and breadsticks! And then I want cookies

But today I am going to break that trend...Now this is not to say that I don't want a donut more than life...but I need to make changes.

So today, I didn't stop by Tim Horton's on my low fly into work (HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT.) I went to fitness class at lunch instead of going to Nordstrom Cafe and trust me people, I DIDN'T want to go.

And tonight...I am cooking dinner.

Watch Out People....I am going to get skinny!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am currently on a self imposed CaboRexia plan....What's this you ask? Well my husband and I, along with another couple are headed to Cabo in May of next year....which I am totally pumped about. What I am not pumped about is my current body's not good people...So I have started on a CaboRexia work out at least 4 days a week, add running back into my routine, and generally eat like a freakin bird. It's the last part that is difficult for me...I love carbs and candy....and yes, I know that they are the same thing, but that is how much I love them.

So far this week, I have chronicled everything in a back to school assignment book. Which was a total score at Target for a mere $2.45. I ripped the "school schedule," section out and now it just looks like a date book.

Tonight's goal is to go to my Total Body class, that I have skipped for one reason or another the past 3 times. I am fully aware it's not going to get any easier to go back, so I should just bite the bullet.

I am also on the search for the best shoe for me as I cannot seem to locate one that doesn't kill my feet. I am liking the Reebok stability ball one for comfort only, am quite positive it's going to nothing for my butt and legs. More to come on that one.

Actually more to come on this whole Caborexia plan.