Monday, November 22, 2010

So Excited!

This past weekend, I suckered my hubby to go to an Open House at my little gym I have been going to for classes, D'Lean Choice Fitness. This new place consists of two of my favorite instructors/trainers from Aspen Fitness starting their own gig.

A little plug for D'Lean...if you haven't checked it out, I highly recommend it. The place is so welcoming and lovely. I never feel intimidated, or stupid I sometimes do at Aspen. They only care to help you regardless of your need. And it's really affordable and you can make the classes what you want them to be.

But on Friday night they had an Open House...which really means there were lots of pyramid people trying to sell you stuff...which really isn't my scene...and even more so, not the hubby's either. But what drew me in was the personal training sessions, at buy 1 hour and get 1 free. So I bought 5 sessions and got 5 sessions free. I AM PUMPED! That is 10 personal training sessions...I have my first one on Wednesday of this week, which is perfect since Thanksgiving is on Thursday! Yeah!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Goals

It's been some time since I last wrote. I haven't fallen off the wagon...but I just haven't had much to write about. But it's Monday and I am feeling like I need to give myself some real goals for the here goes:
  • I will write down everything I eat and do this week....including my overall grade of the day.
  • I will NOT eat the yogurt covered pretzels in our cafe. I do not know that is exactly in them and I am concerned that the unknown is not helping me.
  • If I stop at Starbucks for a fancy coffee...I must order the small size, it's 90 calories for a skinny vanilla latte...but that is only if you get the small size.
  • I will go to the gym twice this week to lift...and I will dedicate a solid 30 minutes to lifting.

I have continued to workout, mainly through classes and am loving it. I continue to take classes at work. But have added a couple more classes outside of work at a new gym, D'Lean Fitness. Basically two of my favorite instructors from my local gym branched off into their own business. I have been taking bootcamp at the new place and loving it.