Monday, October 26, 2009

Whale Watchers

Good Morning All! Happy Fresh Monday Morning! I am tackling Weight Watchers, I am going to start counting my points today! I lovingly call Weight Watchers, Whale Watchers....cause that is what it feels like to me...
So today it starts....I have only so many points today...I need to use them wisely....and I have already used six points on a bagel....and 2 points on a granola bar...and I AM STARVING! And...It's only 8:38.....not looking good captain!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have been fortunate enough to have the exact same BFF for the past 24 years...We can sit in silence and speak volumes, we can finish each others thoughts, know each others fears without having to verbalize it. And as much as I love and cherish my husband, he still doesn't know me as well as she does. But....she is risking loosing my new friend Leah... Let me tell you a little more about Leah....
  • She is in her twenties
  • She works at Wal-greens
  • She has been trying to loose weight, especially in her abs area.
  • She had been running 6 miles a day, but then her feet began to hurt, she thinks it's because she needs inserts in her tennies.
  • She has an awesome metabolism...but just needs to jump start it.
  • She likes to look at fashion mags as she stands at the counter at Wal-greens...she finds that it can both be inspirational, as well as depressing...
  • Wait...she really likes my nail polish!!!

I learned all this information about Leah in approximately 3 minutes while checking out with my issue of Fitness mag and a bottle of deep purple nail polish. I figure with all this information Leah gave me, we are fast on our way to becoming instand BFF's.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Barking up the Wrong Tree

My hubby just called me at work to tell me that due to my cold, my "barking," sounded horrible last night. He quickly corrected himself and said...I didn't mean to say that, I meant "coughing."

He has obviously got to find a job soon, as he is spending entirely TOO much time with our dogs....ha! ha!

Monday, October 5, 2009


How is it that I was brave enough to get the flu shot last Wednesday and now....I HAVE A COLD.....Grrr....

Friday, October 2, 2009

Feeling Good Again...

This weather we are having is making me feel so good.....I have been so hot and uncomfortable for so long that I finally feel like myself again...I no longer feel like a middle aged woman having an all day hot flash...and have in fact made it most of the week without having to put my hair up because I am too hot to have anything laying on my neck!

Now my poor husband is probably freezing because it's been down in the 30's and 40's at night and we still sleep with the windows open...but he's a good man and doesn't complain...I think he is even finding it kind of funny when I refer to myself as a werewolf...I almost think it's kind of funny when he tells me he has been a vampire for centuries....almost....

Honestly...I am just feeling pretty lucky today...