Wednesday, April 14, 2010

30 Days

Currently my husband is involved with this concept of 30 days of biking. Basically what you do is bike at least a little bit every day for 30 days straight, no breaks. He then twitters about it and usually posts a picture.

I think this is an awesome concept. For 30 days at least do something small each day. And he is doing AWESOME! Some days he takes really long rides that would kill me, other days I tag along while alluding to how much my bike seat hurts my business center.

It occurred to me while I was talking to my BFFF the other day, that this 30 day concept could be beneficial on other levels. She is throwing herself back into working out and how awesome would it be if in the first 30 days she did something active EVERYDAY. Some days might be lighter than others, but in the end you are developing a habit...and that is the hard part. I haven't mentioned my epiphany to my BFFF yet...let's see how long it takes her to read my blog. ha! ha!

But I am going to follow my own advice. Since Sunday I have done something physical each day. I will continue to...even if it's only a 25 minute walk/run. Today it was a 45 minute Beach Body class at lunch where we used our own weight against ourselves...completely unfair for the fatties like me...

And as of next Sunday...I am starting a sugar free detox program. Stay tuned to make sure I don't loose my mind! Or kill anyone in the process.


  1. It is like we share the same brain! Did I not tell you that was my goal? Bizarro!!! Still haven't cheated!!! Plus, I ALWAYS read your blog...loyal fan here!

  2. That is insane! Twenty some years of BFFF 'dom must do that too you. I am so proud you haven't cheated. Am doing the no sugar thing after the dinner party this weekend at our house. I know that I will not be able to hold back on what people bring. But starting next out...
