Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not too fond of the following things:
  • Heat/Being hot-I panic!
  • Children
  • Organized Sporting events, especially watching them

And even though my area at work was told as a special treat we would head to the new Huntington Park to catch a lunch Clippers game, I tried to keep a positive attitude. I am very appreciative that they allow us fun days and to be away from the office. I, in fact, tried to remain positive even when we got to the park and noticed numerous "mini buses," with daycare names on them. I even remained positive when they were handing out posters for children as you walked in.

I don't know when my cookie started to crumble, but I think it was around the time that I realized that it was "Daycare Day," at Clippers Stadium and I was surrounded by at least 100 kids. Now I know that sometimes I get a big dramatic on here, but I am spitting the truth on this one...Kids everyone! I felt like Ms. Hanigan from Annie. Except instead of little girls, little girls, I would have sang, little kids...little kids.

These children began to chant things such as, "You missed it loser, " and "Let's got Clippers, let's go...Clip my nails!" And I will be honest...they were almost cute the first 50 times.

And then there was the heat. I am a very hot natured person, the time I tell you I am cold...I am potentially sick and dying. So yesterday as we sat in the extreme heat with the sun beating directly on us, I thought I was going to die. At one point I stood up and looked like I had a "wee," bit of an accident because I was sweating so badly.

And to top it all off, we stayed the entire 9 innings, as did the lovely, lovely children. At one point I actually began to tear up because the situation was just not funny anymore. I was miserable.

I know this post wasn't particularly funny, but I just felt like someone else should know my pain. Perhaps I should have warned you in the beginning of the post....

Hell no!!!! No one warned me at the beginning of the we are all kind of even...

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