Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Throw me a LifeSaver Please...
You know the most difficult about this whole no sugar thing....sitting at my desk without a Lifesaver in my mouth....
Week and Half = Wall
I have no officially been without sugar for a little over a week now...this means no Laffy Taffy, no donuts (a MAJOR accomplishment), no cookies, no even little candies.
And I have now gotten to the point where I don't really crave stuff, which is awesome and I now have a bit more energy, but I did hit a wall yesterday. I was slightly upset about EVERYTHING. Now, I did have a stressful day at work, but in hindsight, nothing was really out of the ordinary. But for some reason yesterday nothing would satisfy me and everything made me sad or want to cry. And had I not read one of my favorite blogs a couple of days before this, I would have been really concerned. I mean I cried during Glee...I cried because I was the only person of my normal group at a large dinner, I cried because the new lampshade I bought for our new spa bathroom looked like crap. But it seems like I am not the only one that has hit this wall and by reading her blog it sounds like I will knock down the wall as quickly as I hit it! Yeah!!!
And I have now gotten to the point where I don't really crave stuff, which is awesome and I now have a bit more energy, but I did hit a wall yesterday. I was slightly upset about EVERYTHING. Now, I did have a stressful day at work, but in hindsight, nothing was really out of the ordinary. But for some reason yesterday nothing would satisfy me and everything made me sad or want to cry. And had I not read one of my favorite blogs a couple of days before this, I would have been really concerned. I mean I cried during Glee...I cried because I was the only person of my normal group at a large dinner, I cried because the new lampshade I bought for our new spa bathroom looked like crap. But it seems like I am not the only one that has hit this wall and by reading her blog it sounds like I will knock down the wall as quickly as I hit it! Yeah!!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
DR. Do A Little Better
I had a routine DR's appointment today, but as I was going through the motions of the annual visit that there are just some items that could be improved upon:
1.) TV: I do not want to watch Robin Meade of CNN talk about health...over and over again. I have been coming to your office for 6 years and never once have I learned anything from these crappy health news...NEVER. Put some Regis and Kelly on or something entertaining. Or play chick flicks all day, as that is the only kind of clients you have...WOMEN!
2.) Magazines: It should really embarrass you that I bring my own magazines to your office. Buy some fun magazines from high school student trying to raise money. And then write them off as a cost of doing business. Come on dude...we know what you do for a living.
3.) Nurse Etiquette: I have never liked a single nurse you have had and I have never had the same one each year. Very interesting. The one I had today is not a keeper either...please let her know that most women would prefer to give a urine sample prior to getting weighed. And it is NEVER acceptable to say while weighing someone in front of your Pfizer rep, "well, you certainly don't look like you weigh that."
I believe that these small corrections could really enhance my scooting down experience!
Please take note....I'll see you in about a year.
1.) TV: I do not want to watch Robin Meade of CNN talk about health...over and over again. I have been coming to your office for 6 years and never once have I learned anything from these crappy health news...NEVER. Put some Regis and Kelly on or something entertaining. Or play chick flicks all day, as that is the only kind of clients you have...WOMEN!
2.) Magazines: It should really embarrass you that I bring my own magazines to your office. Buy some fun magazines from high school student trying to raise money. And then write them off as a cost of doing business. Come on dude...we know what you do for a living.
3.) Nurse Etiquette: I have never liked a single nurse you have had and I have never had the same one each year. Very interesting. The one I had today is not a keeper either...please let her know that most women would prefer to give a urine sample prior to getting weighed. And it is NEVER acceptable to say while weighing someone in front of your Pfizer rep, "well, you certainly don't look like you weigh that."
I believe that these small corrections could really enhance my scooting down experience!
Please take note....I'll see you in about a year.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Like Butter
Better eating+ at least one work out a day+ bike riding with the hubby=My body feeling like butter.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pour Some Sugar on Me!
As mentioned in a post last week, I am starting this week by cutting sugar and over processed food out of my diet. Yesterday went so well. I drove a different way into the office, missing both Tim Horton's and Panera. This morning I took the same route and was having a great day. Even after my lunch walk/run when I was shaking and hungry I didn't cave!
But as the afternoon has gone by work has gotten rather stressful, people are pulling me in ALL directions except for the one I want to go in. And at this point all I want more than anything is a bag of skittles...useless, wasteful sugar candy. I haven't given in and I don't plan on it. But what it does show is that I totally depend on this crap for mood elevation. Grrr...I will not cave in!
But I really, really, really want some sour patch kids....
But as the afternoon has gone by work has gotten rather stressful, people are pulling me in ALL directions except for the one I want to go in. And at this point all I want more than anything is a bag of skittles...useless, wasteful sugar candy. I haven't given in and I don't plan on it. But what it does show is that I totally depend on this crap for mood elevation. Grrr...I will not cave in!
But I really, really, really want some sour patch kids....
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Buying is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
I like to look nice, I think I have expressed this several times on this blog. I don't like to spend much, but I do LOVE clothes. My passion is dresses....I love a dress because once you have the dress, you are basically done styling. Now there are accessories and shoes, but that is the fun part.
So today when I heard it was going to be 82 degrees, I was super pumped to pull out a cute LBD I had picked up at Ann Taylor off season for pennies on the dollar. This lovely little number has been in my closet for months, just itching to jump out and be paired with some adorable accessory and be shown off to the world.
The funny thing about my clothes is sometimes is when I think I look borderline amazing, no one says anything. Then when I think my clothes are ok, or if I have worn something a zillion times I get tons of compliments.
Today something totally crazy happened. I was standing in line at our work cafe ordering something I shouldn't have...when I heard these little squeals from behind me. I had NO idea what was going on, but I knew it had nothing to do with me.
UNTIL....the squeals kept getting louder and I felt a tap on the shoulder...."Girl...I just be loving that dress...where did you get that look bad...."
There in front of me is a woman I have never spoken to before...gushing over how "bad," I look in my Ann Taylor LBD. This was all so flattering, I do love it when people like my just makes me feel good.
I thanked the nice woman and went away to grab a drink.
Then I hear, "Hey...where did she go?"
Again, I can't imagine this comment is for me. Ahh...but it squealing friend is back and this time this is the little nugget she drops on me, "I would buy that dress off of you. I mean it, if you want to sell it, I'll buy it. Remember me....I am the coffee lady."
And she was serious....she wanted to buy my dress. As with everything else that is taken to the next level these is longer can you just you have to compliment and offer to buy!
One more admirer today was African American, which just makes me wonder when she says how "bad," I look in something...exactly how bodylicious do I look? Lord only knows....
So today when I heard it was going to be 82 degrees, I was super pumped to pull out a cute LBD I had picked up at Ann Taylor off season for pennies on the dollar. This lovely little number has been in my closet for months, just itching to jump out and be paired with some adorable accessory and be shown off to the world.
The funny thing about my clothes is sometimes is when I think I look borderline amazing, no one says anything. Then when I think my clothes are ok, or if I have worn something a zillion times I get tons of compliments.
Today something totally crazy happened. I was standing in line at our work cafe ordering something I shouldn't have...when I heard these little squeals from behind me. I had NO idea what was going on, but I knew it had nothing to do with me.
UNTIL....the squeals kept getting louder and I felt a tap on the shoulder...."Girl...I just be loving that dress...where did you get that look bad...."
There in front of me is a woman I have never spoken to before...gushing over how "bad," I look in my Ann Taylor LBD. This was all so flattering, I do love it when people like my just makes me feel good.
I thanked the nice woman and went away to grab a drink.
Then I hear, "Hey...where did she go?"
Again, I can't imagine this comment is for me. Ahh...but it squealing friend is back and this time this is the little nugget she drops on me, "I would buy that dress off of you. I mean it, if you want to sell it, I'll buy it. Remember me....I am the coffee lady."
And she was serious....she wanted to buy my dress. As with everything else that is taken to the next level these is longer can you just you have to compliment and offer to buy!
One more admirer today was African American, which just makes me wonder when she says how "bad," I look in something...exactly how bodylicious do I look? Lord only knows....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
30 Days
Currently my husband is involved with this concept of 30 days of biking. Basically what you do is bike at least a little bit every day for 30 days straight, no breaks. He then twitters about it and usually posts a picture.
I think this is an awesome concept. For 30 days at least do something small each day. And he is doing AWESOME! Some days he takes really long rides that would kill me, other days I tag along while alluding to how much my bike seat hurts my business center.
It occurred to me while I was talking to my BFFF the other day, that this 30 day concept could be beneficial on other levels. She is throwing herself back into working out and how awesome would it be if in the first 30 days she did something active EVERYDAY. Some days might be lighter than others, but in the end you are developing a habit...and that is the hard part. I haven't mentioned my epiphany to my BFFF yet...let's see how long it takes her to read my blog. ha! ha!
But I am going to follow my own advice. Since Sunday I have done something physical each day. I will continue to...even if it's only a 25 minute walk/run. Today it was a 45 minute Beach Body class at lunch where we used our own weight against ourselves...completely unfair for the fatties like me...
And as of next Sunday...I am starting a sugar free detox program. Stay tuned to make sure I don't loose my mind! Or kill anyone in the process.
I think this is an awesome concept. For 30 days at least do something small each day. And he is doing AWESOME! Some days he takes really long rides that would kill me, other days I tag along while alluding to how much my bike seat hurts my business center.
It occurred to me while I was talking to my BFFF the other day, that this 30 day concept could be beneficial on other levels. She is throwing herself back into working out and how awesome would it be if in the first 30 days she did something active EVERYDAY. Some days might be lighter than others, but in the end you are developing a habit...and that is the hard part. I haven't mentioned my epiphany to my BFFF yet...let's see how long it takes her to read my blog. ha! ha!
But I am going to follow my own advice. Since Sunday I have done something physical each day. I will continue to...even if it's only a 25 minute walk/run. Today it was a 45 minute Beach Body class at lunch where we used our own weight against ourselves...completely unfair for the fatties like me...
And as of next Sunday...I am starting a sugar free detox program. Stay tuned to make sure I don't loose my mind! Or kill anyone in the process.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dramatic City
Last night I caught up on a couple of favorite TV shows:
- The Real Housewives of NYC
- High Society (which I don't endorse personally, but is hilarious to watch)
- Kendra on E!
Who would have guessed that the Real Housewives and High Society would have made Kendra the most normal show of the night. Even my hubby didn't remind me over and over again how much he dislikes her. Probably because he was about to crazy if he had to hear Jill Zarin and Bethany Frankkel (sp) cat fight anymore.
Tonight I plan on catching up on Gossip Girl. I didn't want to add that to the agenda for last night. I had two reasons for doing this, number one, I really do love my husband and I don't think he could have handled it. And number two, I don't think I could have handled my hubby walking around going, "I'm Chuck Bass...." Which he does throughout any and all episodes of Gossip Girl.
Monday, April 5, 2010

This little nugget's name was going to Bellatrix and I would call her, "Belly," for short. My hubby and I try to keep all our animals named with a "B."
Currently we have :
Bailey, Bridget Jones, Buford, Bea, and cute would Belly be??!?!
But sadly I was not able to bring my little goat baby home with me...mainly because my husband kept calling her a hooved beast....and he somehow thought that she would not fair well in our house?!?!?!
But in all seriousness, we went to my cousin's mini-farm like compound for Easter dinner and family time yesterday. It was an absolutely lovely day, the sun was shining, we had plenty to eat, and so much to be thankful for. This is our second year for this tradition and it seems to be going strong. And the entertainment for the day is Nigerian Dwarf Goats...they are little dairy goats that really don't get very big, hence the "dwarf," part of their name and have such strong little personalities...I love em!
Little Belly was only a week old and even though you can't tell very well, had the prettiest little blue eyes. She only had perfectly white little teeth on the bottom row and super long goat eyelashes.
I think I need to move out....
Currently we have :
Bailey, Bridget Jones, Buford, Bea, and cute would Belly be??!?!
But sadly I was not able to bring my little goat baby home with me...mainly because my husband kept calling her a hooved beast....and he somehow thought that she would not fair well in our house?!?!?!
But in all seriousness, we went to my cousin's mini-farm like compound for Easter dinner and family time yesterday. It was an absolutely lovely day, the sun was shining, we had plenty to eat, and so much to be thankful for. This is our second year for this tradition and it seems to be going strong. And the entertainment for the day is Nigerian Dwarf Goats...they are little dairy goats that really don't get very big, hence the "dwarf," part of their name and have such strong little personalities...I love em!
Little Belly was only a week old and even though you can't tell very well, had the prettiest little blue eyes. She only had perfectly white little teeth on the bottom row and super long goat eyelashes.
I think I need to move out....
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Spring....Cleaning!
So I have a pretty exciting weekend planned....there will be some time with friends tomorrow night and family on Sunday for the Easter holiday. But what I am most excited about is SPRING CLEANING! Cleaning is my version of therapy. Many/most of my girlfriends have cleaning ladies and that is great. But I can absolutely get lost in cleaning and organizing my home. And then there is the rush when it's done and you can just sit back and look at how amazing the house looks!
And since most of my immediate family is coming over prior to Easter and will want a tour of my new Crafting Closet my amazing husband built, I have to have the house white glove ready.
So if my hubby reads this prior to me getting home tonight....consider yourself warned...I am going to be a lean mean cleaning machine this weekend! Watch out!
And since most of my immediate family is coming over prior to Easter and will want a tour of my new Crafting Closet my amazing husband built, I have to have the house white glove ready.
So if my hubby reads this prior to me getting home tonight....consider yourself warned...I am going to be a lean mean cleaning machine this weekend! Watch out!
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